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createFrames() creates a function which accepts your frames handler and returns a request handler.

Usually you shouldn't use this function directly but rather use one of our adapters based on a framework you are using, e.g. Express.js, Hono, Next.js or Remix.

import { createFrames } from "frames.js/core";
const frames = createFrames();
const handleRequest = frames(async (ctx) => {
  return {
    image: <span>Test</span>,

The function passed to frames will be called with the context of a frame action and should return a FrameDefinition.


createFrames accepts an optional options object with the following properties:


  • Type: string

A string that specifies the base path for all relative URLs in the frame definition. It defaults to /. If baseUrl is provided, it will be resolved relatively to baseUrl. If the baseUrl option is not provided, it will use URL of current request and override its path with basePath when generating target URLs.


  • Type: string | URL

A string or URL object that specifies the base URL for all relative URLs in the frame definition. Can be used to override the URL detected from the request.


  • Type: boolean

Enables debug mode. Debug mode is necessary if you want to use image layout debugging in the debugger.


  • Type: string

If provided, frames state and image URL payloads will be signed with this secret and validated on subsequent requests.

Overridden by stateSigningSecret for state signing and imagesSigningSecret for signing images if provided.


  • Type: string | null

Image rendering will be handled by this route. It defaults to / relative to the basePath.

The route must handle GET requests. It is recommended to use the initial frame route or any route that exports a frames() GET route handler.

Pass null to disable async image rendering and use inline data URLs instead.


  • Type ImageWorkerOptions | () => Promise<ImageWorkerOptions>

Options for the image renderer. If a function is provided, it will be called on each request to get the options.


  • Type: string

A secret key used to sign and verify the image URLs. If provided, image URLs are automatically signed with this key and verified on each request.

Overrides signingSecret for image signing if provided.


  • Type: generic

A JSON serializable value that is used if no state is provided in the message or you are on the initial frame.


  • Type: string

A secret key used to sign and verify the state in the frame message. If provided, state is automatically signed with this key and verified on each frame.

  • If the signature is present in state data:
    • If the secret is not provided, the state will not be verified and used as is.
    • If the secret is provided and signature does not match error is thrown.
    • If the secret is provided and signature matches, the state will be used as is.

Overrides signingSecret for state signing if provided.


See the Middleware guide for more information.

Type: FramesMiddleware

An array of middleware functions that are called before the frame handler and allows you to inject additional context into the ctx parameter passed to each frame handler call.

Each middleware should return a promise that resolves to the next middleware, or a Web API Response, or a FrameDefinition.


For strong type support in the handler, the middleware should be typed as FramesMiddleware<any, YourContextType>.

import { createFrames, types } from "frames.js/next";
const myMiddleware: types.FramesMiddleware<any, { foo?: string }> = async (
) => {
  return next({ foo: "bar" });


const frames = createFrames({
  middleware: [
    async (ctx, next) => {
      console.log("Before frame handler");
      const result = await next({ name: "Alice" });
      console.log("After frame handler");
      return result;
const handler = frames(async (ctx) => {
  return {
    image: <span>{}</span>, // Outputs an image with the text "Alice"


FrameDefinition is an object that describes a frame. It has the following properties:


  • Type: React.ReactElement | string

The image to be rendered in the frame. If a string is provided, it must be a valid URL.


  • Type: { aspectRatio?: "1.91:1" | "1:1", dynamic?: boolean; } & ConstructorParameters<typeof ImageResponse>[1]


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If true, the resulting image URL will call your frame handler where it was defined so you can dynamically change the content of the initial frame's image. This is useful for showing dynamic content in the feed that changes on every feed reload. Works only with GET requests.

Options for the image. The aspectRatio property can be set to "1.91:1" or "1:1".


  • Type: 1, 2, 3, or 4 FrameButtonElement elements

An array of buttons to be rendered in the frame. The buttons are rendered in the order they are provided.


import { Button } from "frames.js/next";
const handleRequest = frames(async (ctx) => {
  return {
    image: <span>Test</span>,
    buttons: [
      <Button action="post">Post</Button>,
      <Button action="post_redirect">Post Redirect</Button>,


  • Type: string

Label for text input. If no value is provided, the input is not rendered.


  • Type: JsonValue

Global app state that will be available on the next frame.


  • Type: HeadersInit

Custom headers to be included in the response.

The ResponseInit properties allow you to specify custom headers such as Cache-Control.

Request Handler

The resulting handleRequest is a function that accepts Web API Request and returns a Promise that resolves to Web API Response.

handleRequest(new Request("/")).then((res) => {
  return res.text();

Per-route middleware

You can also pass middleware to the handleRequest function to be executed only for that specific route.

const handleRequest = frames(
  async (ctx) => {
    return {
      image: <span>Test</span>,
    middleware: [farcasterHubContext({ hubHttpUrl: process.env.HUB_HTTP_URL })],

This will only execute the farcasterHubContext middleware for the route that handleRequest is called with.


Core middleware is included and executed by default and gives you access to the following default context in your frame handlers:


  • Type: string

Specifies the base path for all relative URLs in the frame definition.


  • Type: URL

The resolved base URL for all relative URLs in the frame definition. All relative URLs are resolved relatively to this value.


  • Type: generic

A JSON serializable value that is used if no state is provided in the message or you are on the initial frame.


The request object that was passed to the request handler.


The URL object that was parsed from the request.


  • Type: () => Promise<string | undefined>

A function that returns the wallet address of the user. If the user is not authenticated or initial frame is being rendered, it returns undefined.


  • Type: Record<string, string>

The search params in the URL as an object. If there are no search params, it will be an empty object.


  • Type: undefined | { action: "post" | "post_redirect"; index: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }

The button that was clicked on the previous frame.


  • Type: number

The index of the button that was clicked on the previous frame.


  • Type: FrameMessage | undefined

The frame message that was parsed from the request body.


  • Type: ClientProtocolId | undefined

The client protocol that was used to send the frame message.


  • Type: JsonValue

The state extracted from the frame message. If you are on the initial frame (no button pressed), the value is the initialState value passed to createFrames. If you are on a frame with a button pressed, the value is the state from the previous frame.